Contact Us

How can we help? Please don’t hesitate to reach out to our gastrointestinal health team and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. You can use the contact information below to get in touch with us.

To find a location near you, visit our Locations page.

Main Office Number

(Linkable on Your Mobile Device)


Please be sure to see the prompts below!

This will SAVE you time in getting a person on the line.
Thank you!

  1. If you need to make or cancel an appointment press 1 
  2. If you are requesting a refill press 2
  3. To reach the physicians medical assistant lines press 3 
  4. For billing, press 4
  5. For Macomb Endoscopy Center, press 5
  6. For Surgical Centers of Michigan, press 6
  7. For Infusion Centers of Michigan, press 7
  8. For Medical Records, press 8
  9. For all other options, press 9

Main Office Address:

UnaSource Health Building
4600 Investment Drive
Suite 380
Troy, MI 48098

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